On July 6 & 7, 2008 I had the privilege of attending the Bovington Wargames Convention, held amidst the tanks and
AFVs of the world famous Bovington Tank Museum. I spent two wonderful days looking at tanks, watching wargames, playing
the occasional game, shopping at the Bring n Buy and Trader's stands, chatting with gamers and traders, and making new
friends. I dearly hope to return again and would highly recommend this show to anyone.
There were many high quality games on display, but here are some (in no particular order) that captured my interest
due to the era, the scale, and/or the superb terrain.
1. Boxer Rebellion in 54mm
Not surprisingly this game won the prize for the "best of show". It was a great spectacle to watch with
wonderfully painted figures, beautifully crafted terrain, set in an exciting historical era.
2. Vietnam in 25mm
Beautiful terrain with some fantastic Napalm effects. I do love the smell of Napalm in the morning......
3. Russo-Finnish War in 25mm
Beautiful winter terrain....makes you feel cold just looking at it!!
4. South Africa vs Angola in 15mm
I'm generally no great fan of 15mm simply because its too small for my poor eyesight to appreciate.....however
I'm fascinated by the wars between South Africa and Angola (thanks in part to my South African Mate, Terence Corrigan), and
this game show-cased beautifully the equipment, the terrain and the feel. Inspirational stuff!! Also, I had the pleasure
of chatting with one of the organizers, Martin Small, who I have since stayed in contact with.
5. 1946: WW2 Continued in 20mm
Interesting concept whereby WW2 continues into 1946 with the Germans using jet planes and new improved tanks
to keep the Russian hordes at bay.
6. WW3 in 15mm
East vs West, Russians vs West Germans, T-72s vs Leopards. Great Stuff!!
7. Nomonhan: The Second Russo-Japanese War of 1939 in 25mm
This was a magnificent game that I felt ranked equal with the Boxer Rebellion Game as "Best of
Show" in terms of the quality of the terrain and figures/AFVs....and covered a very interesting episode of WW2 history often
overlooked: the bitter clashes between Japanese and Russian troops in Manchuria in 1939.
8. Madagascar: British attack on Vichy French base in 20mm
This game had previously featured in a prominent Wargaming Magazine, and I remember thinking at the time
what a great action to game. What I particularly liked was that 20mm plastic figures, AFVs and forts were used (my favourite
scale) including classic airfix items and some nice conversions. I also loved the harbour scene and commando raid, and immediately
rushed off to the trade stands and bought two Brittania ships which I then carefully hand-carried around the UK, Europe and
back to Japan :-)
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